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Bill Poston is an entrepreneur, business advisor, investor, philanthropist, educator, and adventurer.

My New Year's Resolution

My New Year's Resolution

The New Year is a traditional time of reflection, planning, and goal setting. The New Year’s resolution is a running joke. Research shows that just 9% of Americans complete their resolutions. 43% quit by the end of January and roughly a fourth typically give up by the end of the first week.

Why do we do this to ourselves? I am a goal-setter and start each year with a set of ambitious goals that I hope to achieve. This is a bit of a “shoot for the stars, land on the moon” strategy and I give myself some grace if I don’t complete everything on the list.

With each passing year, however, I am learning that what I accomplish is less important than how I do it. I’m not giving up on my list of goals. There are even personal growth objectives in the plan for the year, but those are secondary and subject to modification.

My real resolution for 2024 is to openly live my life according to my values. Being true to myself is a promise that I know I can keep and one that is worth more than a few extra hours in the gym or some new business goal. Give this question some thought as you contemplate your goals for the year ahead.

Are you being your authentic self in all situations?

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